"Aku memilih untuk berada di sini bukan kerana sudah penuh ilmu untuk berkongsi apatah lagi mengajar. Tapi, kerana ada satu rasa ingin aku sampaikan kepada kalian biarpun sebesar zarah, ku harapkan redha dariNya. Penulisanku adalah sebuah penceritaan yang kadang aku tak dapat ungkapkan dengan kata-kata atau bicara. Harapanku, luah rasa dan pandanganku yang tak seberapa ini mungkin boleh kalian ambil sedikit ibrah darinya dan semoga ada pula satu semangat yang ingin ku suntikan dalam hati-hati kita biarpun sekelumit cuma."

Sunday, April 21, 2013


If we truly believe in Allah.
we won't have so much worries in life.

If we truly understand Allah's might,
we won't ever complain about what He's given us.

If we try to count every single blessings He is giving us,
we won't stop saying Alhamdulillah.

If we really understand the mercy of Allah behind all pains,
we would be very grateful to be chosen to go through them.

Allah knows.
We never know.

Except He opens our hearts to see things beyond the lens of our eyes.

"Everything in this life is difficult Except what Allah makes it easy. " - Yasmin Mogahed.

We don't understand pure tauhid.
We don't truly believe pure love from Allah.
Pure tawakkal to Allah.

I blame myself for looking things with my physical eyes.

I can never stop saying - Astaghfirullahalazim...
since I had done so many wrong things to Allah.
and yet, He keeps giving me many chances to get back to Him.

I can never stop saying - Astaghfirullahalazim...
Because I don't even thank Him enough for all His love in my life.


What else can I ask except His Forgiveness and Mercy on me.

If I were to cry and make du'a....
I would tell Allah how shameful I am to cry...
because deep in my heart..
I always know that Allah will give all my du'as...
He will answer me.

I know that.

That's why sometimes... it is so embarrassing for me to cry too much. (haha.)
But, I know too...
that Allah understand my sadness and my pain.
I won't cry except I just want to talk closer to Allah.

Thanks Allah.

Too much blessing.
and such a very pure love from You.

Remind me - to always praise You.
and to always seek for Your forgiveness.
Until 'that Day'.

We would meet to tell 'stories'.


My very humble advice - Never give up hope in your du'a. Never stop asking Allah. Never stop seeking for His forgiveness. 

P.s: You too must have your own love stories with Allah, right?.... sy suka tulis ttg kisah2 ni sbb sng utk igtkn diri pd Allah Yang Satu. (wink**)

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