"Aku memilih untuk berada di sini bukan kerana sudah penuh ilmu untuk berkongsi apatah lagi mengajar. Tapi, kerana ada satu rasa ingin aku sampaikan kepada kalian biarpun sebesar zarah, ku harapkan redha dariNya. Penulisanku adalah sebuah penceritaan yang kadang aku tak dapat ungkapkan dengan kata-kata atau bicara. Harapanku, luah rasa dan pandanganku yang tak seberapa ini mungkin boleh kalian ambil sedikit ibrah darinya dan semoga ada pula satu semangat yang ingin ku suntikan dalam hati-hati kita biarpun sekelumit cuma."

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Leaving the Sunnah


"The reason Islam was very successful back then was because they really love the Quran and Sunnah." 


Ramai melontarkan luahan pendapat masing-masing kenapa Islam begini..begitu... tapi, kita tak sedar.. Punca or the Root cause come from us -

We Are Leaving the Sunnah!


"We know who Allah is, but we did not follow.
We know who Rasulullah Saw is, but we forget."

Rasulullah Saw once said: "If you claim to love Allah, follow me (Muhammad saw)".

Sabda Baginda lagi: "Semua umatku akan masuk ke syurga melainkan sesiapa yang tidak mengkehendakinya. Para sahabat bertanya: "ya Rasulullah, siapa lah yang tidak mahukan syurga?"

Sesiapa yang taat padaku, dia akan masuk ke syurga.
Sesiapa yang ingkar dan tidak mengikutiku, dia telah menolak untuk ke syurga."


Yes, I know my friends...
Loving Rasulullah Saw is not something easy.
We don't have him with us anymore.

But, we can know about him from the hadith,
Sunnah, the Quran..

I have two stories (hadith) which can me cry.
About him, Saw.

It is a famous story about him in Ta'if.
People of Ta'if is standing along his way to throw stones at him.
yes. Stones.

We are not talking about one person or one stone.
We are talking about the People. Many of them.
When he was tired in Mekah, he decided to go there.

"Mungkin orang Ta'if nak kot terima Islam."

Dan Rasulullah pegi dan tidak satu rumah pun yang tidak diketuk.
Shingga berlaku kejadian itu.
Darah turun mengalir shingga ke tumit Baginda Saw.

Jibrail a.s came.
"One word ya Rasulullah. Just One word and I will turn the whole Ta'if in a blink of an eye."
"No! Wait... Wait. These people... they just don't know.. give me more time."

Lalu Baginda Saw berdoa kepada Allah: "ya Allah, selagi mana Engkau tidak murka kepadaku, aku tidak peduli." 


Don't ask me, why my love for him is growing.

Second. This story makes me smile.
And... subhanalllah.

Jabar r.a. ada seekor kuda. A white horse.
Very beautiful.
He was growing with the horse since he was young.
He loved the horse so much.
He played, took care of it.

One day, Rasulullah Saw came.
"I want to buy your horse. Sell it to me with a price."
"ya Rasulullah, errr... please take anything..but..err... errr.. try. come on... ask me anything but this one... err.."

He loved it so much.

Well.. kita pun pernah mcm tu kot.
"ala..boleh2..ambik la apa pun.. but yg ni..erm..mcm ..err.."


At last he agreed.
But with one condition.

"I want to spend One more day with him."

That day... he took his horse.
He was riding with smile..and cherish his very last moment with the horse.
Then, he went to meet Rasulullah Saw.
As promised.

"Here... this is for you."

Rasulullah Saw gave him the money.
And Jabar r.a left.

Suddenly, Rasulullah Saw called him: "hey..hey..come back..come back.."

"why ya Rasulullah?"
"Here. This is a gift for you."

He returned the white horse to Jabar.


Rasulullah Saw wanted to give him both.
Because, no matter how much the Sahabah love their properties, their own selves, they will surely love Rasulullah Saw more.

And as usual,
He is the best friend ever.
The best parents to his children,
the best leader to his people,
the best husband to his wives.


Like he said in a hadith: "The best of men is the one with the best character. And the best among them is the one, best to his lady - after he married her." 


If you ever love someone, 
do not go chasing her. 
Find Allah, and you will guarantee to find her. 
-Kamal Saleh- 

He will never return someone with a gift better or bigger than the one they gave him.
He is so self less that he will make other people's problem
become his own problems.

He loved kids so much.
That they will feel happy with him.
A small girl came and complained something to him.

"What is it?"
"Here..come..walk with me."

She took his hand and they walked in the city.
He was not ashamed when his people looked at him.
Being 'dragged' by that young girl.

And also, even one day.
He was giving his Khutbah, standing at his mimbar.
And Rasulullah Saw saw Hasan and Hussin was running and playing outside.
With a very big clothes.
Baju tu meleret-leret.

He stopped. And he went to them.
He took them in his arm and he continued his khutbah.

"I'm sorry. I cannot resist myself looking at them."



Now, please don't ask
why we, Muslims love Rasulullah Saw more than ourselves.
Why he always become the most 'handsome' man in our heart.

Because he is the greatest man that ever walk in this earth.

I have missions.
I want to learn as many Sunnah as possible.
I want to practice and hopefully...
Rasulullah Saw will notice and recognize me in the judgment day.

And he will call me to come to his Khautsar...
to drink. And will never again feel thirsty.

He will invite me to sit and talk with him.
And surely, my deepest wish...
that Allah will be happy with me.

He will allow me to see His noble face.


The Sunnah the Better. :p

Firman Allah SWT yg bermaksud: "Dan barangsiapa yang mentaati Allah dan Rasul (Muhammad), maka mereka itu akan bersama-sama dgn orang yg diberikan nikmat oleh Allah (iaitu) para nabi, para pecinta kebenaran, orang-orang yang mati syahid dan orang-orang yg soleh. Mereka itulah teman yang sebaik-baiknya. 

Yg demikian itu adalah kurnia dari Allah, dan cukuplah Allah yang Maha Mengetahui." 

(An Nisa': 69 & 70)