"Aku memilih untuk berada di sini bukan kerana sudah penuh ilmu untuk berkongsi apatah lagi mengajar. Tapi, kerana ada satu rasa ingin aku sampaikan kepada kalian biarpun sebesar zarah, ku harapkan redha dariNya. Penulisanku adalah sebuah penceritaan yang kadang aku tak dapat ungkapkan dengan kata-kata atau bicara. Harapanku, luah rasa dan pandanganku yang tak seberapa ini mungkin boleh kalian ambil sedikit ibrah darinya dan semoga ada pula satu semangat yang ingin ku suntikan dalam hati-hati kita biarpun sekelumit cuma."

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The beautiful mercy of Allah: We still shut our eyes.


Sebuah kisah daripada seorang syeikh, Imam.. (i wasn't sure how to spell his name. hu.) 

I was just finished my Fajr prayer and I was sitting at the river. 
Looking at the water flow. 
And I saw a scorpion.

The scorpion was running very fast and I thought it was going to attack me. 
But, it passed by me. 
And ran towards a turtle. 
It wanted to attack the turtle.

But, then... when it was about to attack, the scorpion stopped. 
It turned around and ran back at my direction. 
And I thought, it will get me. 

But, it ran passed me. 

I was so curious about the scorpion and I followed where it was going. 
Then, I saw a man was lying. He was sleeping. 
The scorpion was running towards his direction and at the same time, 
a snake was going to bite that man. 

The scorpion jumped towards the snake and bite the snake. 
The snake was killed and the scorpion died too. 

And I thought to myself, "Subhanallah... Allah SWT makes all these happen because of this man. I want to wake him up and tell what happened." 

I woke him up and he was drunk. 

I thought he was someone special to Allah SWT and I wanted to ask for his du'a. But, there he was. 

I said: "Subhanallah."
He said: "What?.." 
"I saw Allah SWT mercy upon you and I thought you are someone beloved to Allah SWT. I wanted to ask for your du'a. And... you were drunk??" 
"What happen?" 

I told him the whole story. 

And he broke down. 

"Ya Rabb, as much as I disobey You, You did all that for me?" 

He repented. 



Kadang2 ada masa, terduduk... fikir banyak tentang diri.
How much  I have wasted all my years of living...
tak ambik peluang kenal Allah,
nak bercinta dgnNya.

Nak tau untuk apa saya bangun, berwudhuk dan berdiri di hadapan berkali2~
Setiap hari!

Dan Allah itu Ar Rahman, Ar Rahim.

'Langkah' Nya jauh lebih pantas menghampiri.
Kalau tidak kerana rahmat Allah,
mana mungkin hati kenal apa itu erti cinta.



Kita tak selalu ambik masa renung dan berfikir,
betapa banyak Allah selamatkan kita daripada 'ular' dan 'scorpion' mcm tu kan?
Dan betapa banyak pulak kita selalu lupakan Allah?


"Ya Allah, kami telah menzalimi diri kami sendiri, jika Engkau tidak mengampuni dan melimpahkan rahmat pada kami, sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang rugi." (Al A'raf:23)

p/s: kisah benar tu shared by Omar Suleiman. I was touched, so i thought sharing with all of you would be very nice. inshaAllah. :)

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